Saturday, May 30, 2009

I Just Got a Pretty Good Idea

So one of the funniest things that I've seen since I've been here is the Crime Log in the OC Weekly. It comes out every Thursday, and each time I have been amazed at how hilarious some of the crime in this neighborhood is.

So here's what I am going to do for you from now on - I will share with you my favorites from each week...I am going to start saving them every week to bring home though....because they are great!

So Here are my favorites from the past two weeks:
Sunday, April 26
Not A Fan: 21100 Block Strathmoor. Caller said about 20 people playing soccer without a permit. He was worried that if they continued playing, "it will explode into an invasion."

Friday, April 24
Spit and Run:5300 block Sisson. A woman said she honked at a driver to avoid a collision. Both drivers arrived to watch a concert at a school and a passenger of the car yelled and cussed at her. When she returned to her car, saliva was on the door handle.

Sunday, May 24
Assault:18700 block North Florida. An elderly woman shoved and jumped on another elderly woman at an independent living home.
Friday, May 22
Vicious:17700 block Goldenwest. A coyote was chasing someone near the Park Bench Cafe.
Party Foul:8100 block Pawtucket. A resident said a neighbor was playing 80s music and it was too loud. He said, "you can hear 'Hot Blooded' only so many times."

And there we have it, my first installment of weekly hilarious crime log updates!
